Brenda Countz


During my 53 years of service as a court stenographer, Congressional reporter, captioner and international freelance stenographer I have built a strong record and a legacy through my commitment to excellence and adaptability to change. I speak truth to power for rising leaders and share lessons I have learned so they too can inspire a culture of excellence and create a strong record for their legacy. In this era of predictable unpredictability I strive to inform, inspire, empower and entertain.

About Brenda
I began my court reporting career at the Washington, D. C. Superior Court in 1969. During this phase of my career, the majority of reporters were men who did not look like me. After two years I transitioned to freelance reporting where I polished my skills to become one of the top expedited delivery reporters in the region. I also became a wife and mother of two sons. I reported several landmark cases and in the late seventies, with the advent of the first desktop computers, I was involved in the early developmental stages of computer-aided transcription.
In 1981 I accepted a staff position on the U. S. House of Representatives Corps of Reporters. In this position I provided daily copy transcripts for House committee and subcommittee hearings. I also traveled throughout America with members of Congress reporting hearings with their local constituents in 48 of the 50 states. In 1985, as the top producing reporter on the House Corps of Reporters, I was honored to report President Ronald Reagan's State of the Union Message. I was the first woman and the first person of color to achieve that honor.
In the late eighties, I was in need of a much better work/life balance. I resigned from the House Corp of Reporters. During this era, with the advent of laptop computers, I retrained and rebranded myself as a freelance real-time reporter, later becoming involved in captioning for the deaf and hearing impaired. I captioned many news broadcasts and conferences for the National Association for the Deaf. In 1994 I captioned then President Bill Clinton’s commencement address at Gallaudet University’s graduation ceremony. I have covered numerous international depositions in Asia, South America and Central America.
In 2002, after completing the very formidable task of raising and educating my husband and children, I realized that I needed massive change in my life. I got a divorce and relocated my home base from the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area to Southern California. It took a few years of living in a few really gorgeous places before I found my perfect home and settled into my happy place in the Baldwin Hills-View Park area of Los Angeles. This is a good fit for me as I continue my international leisure travels, deposition business, professional speaking engagements, writing books, vocal performances and enjoying my robust social life. I must say life is uncommonly good!
Brenda Countz is sure to deliver an informative, laughter-filled message with exuberance and transparency. She is relatable to individuals from all walks of life. Her inspiration is sure to captivate any audience.
Vanese Killingbeck

Brenda's In-Person and Virtual Talks
(Keynotes and Seminars)
What I’ve Learned Along the Way (Keynote)
Every Keeper of the Record is challenged daily to maintain a balance between self care, professional and personal relationships, productivity, efficiency, quality control, profitability and overall quality of life. I offer a long view of the technological innovations in the industry.
This inspiring and entertaining keynote offers insights and practical tips for optimizing every phase of your career as a legal professional.

What My 53 Year Stenographic Career has Taught Me
During my 53 years of service as a court stenographer, Congressional reporter and international freelance deposition officer I have built a strong record and a legacy through my commitment to excellence and my adaptability to change.
In this era of predictable unpredictability, It is my goal to pass on to rising leaders the lessons I have learned.
You too can inspire a culture of excellence and create a strong record for your legacy.
Achieving and Maintaining Work/Life Balance in a Changing World
Do you see yourself as a leader? You don’t have to be a politician or a four star general. Whether you’re leading teams, organizations, communities or your family, every single one of us is a rising leader in some way. Leadership is not about position. Leadership is about your way of being in the world.
If you want to create change around you, it starts with who you are. True leadership starts with Self Leadership. Mastering yourself is true power.

Phone Number: 323-219-8323